Isuzu Motors Limited (headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo; Masanori Katayama, President and Representative Director; hereinafter Isuzu) has been lauded for its ESG initiatives and selected as a constituent for the SOMPO Sustainability Index independently developed by Sompo Asset Management Co., Ltd. (formerly SNAM Sustainability Index) for four years in a row. This index is used as a benchmark for SOMPO Sustainable Investment.*1
In March 2020, we formulated Isuzu Environmental Vision 2050*2, which lays out a roadmap to achieve a prosperous and sustainable society the Isuzu Group envisions for 2050. In addition, in May this year we announced Mid-Term Business Plan 2024*3 which primarily focuses on Evolving management from ESG (Environment, Society and Governance) perspectives.
We continue to make a conscious effort and integrate ESG considerations into daily business activities. By doing so, we strive to realize a sustainable future society and, as a trusting partner, contribute to supporting transportation that enriches people's lives.

- *1Click following link for SOMPO Sustainable Investment.
- *2Click following link for Isuzu Environmental Vision 2050.
- *3Click following link for Isuzu's Mid-Term Business Plan 2024 (FY ending March 2022 to FY ending March 2024)